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2024-07-13 05:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

@alainkien when you lied on your resume 当你在简历上撒谎的时候。 @davidhopkins848 Still got the job 仍然得到了工作。 @chimchimwith6847 Shoutout to this Corgi! He’s out here breaking stereotypes. Dogs in law enforcement can be cute too! I love it! This could be a whole change in the Doggo world concerning law? I love it! Thank you, China for making the change 向这只柯基致敬! 他在打破刻板印象。执法犬也可以很可爱!我喜欢!这可能是狗狗世界法律上的一个巨大变化?我喜欢!谢谢你,中国,让这一变化发生。 @th3Reader Not him being carried everywhere 他不应该被到处抱着。 @Mr_Rice That's not just a police dog, that's an emergency therapy dog. 这不仅仅是警犬,还是一只紧急救援犬。 @athomenotavailable That trainer is so lucky to be assigned this doggo. And I bet he will adopt him when his service ends, so the public has no chance 那个训练员真幸运能分到这只狗狗。我敢打赌,他在服役结束后会收养他,这样公众就没有机会了。 @SShiJie Warning: Cuteness Overload 警告:可爱过载 @ctc46 The way he was being carried while the other dogs walked was just too cute! 他被抱着走而其他狗在走路的样子太可爱了! @potatomatop9326 the cutest crime fighter 最可爱的罪恶克星。 @Someone69769 This doggo could be used as a spy. An undercover agent could take the corgi with him and no one would notice that the dog is actually a police dog. 这只狗狗可以用作间谍。一个卧底特工可以带着柯基,没有人会注意到这只狗其实是警犬。 @maka3327 This cutie maybe not the strongest but he will confuse the criminals with his cuteness until they get arrested..! 这只小可爱也许不是最强的,但他会用他的可爱让罪犯困惑,直到他们被捕..! @zackdv7223 Don't let your height discourage you from applying for the job. As long as you're capable, anything is possible! 不要因为身高而气馁,只要你有能力,一切皆有可能! @saraanderson2784 Is it just me or could this be a Pixar hit? 只有我一个人觉得这可以成为皮克斯的热门吗? @temper44 Fuzai could be useful as a sniffer dog at airports, or in an environment where you don't want to make an aggressive appearance. 福仔可以作为机场的嗅探犬,或者在你不想显得具有攻击性的环境中。 @SorenAlba54 Given the fact that Corgis were actually bred to herd sheep, this little one will do just fine in the field since it has other capabilities that the other dogs can’t; thus given them an advantage in other areas. 考虑到柯基实际上是为了牧羊而培育的,这个小家伙在实地工作时会做得很好,因为它有其他狗没有的能力,从而在其他方面具有优势。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@jared9643 Except it won't because people aren't cattle? They herd by nipping the calves of cattle and can do that because of their agility and speed. Corgis are agile for their size but they don't have enough speed or the power required to be a police dog. It can be relegated to drug sniffer but there are much better options. This is a publicity stunt. 除非它不会,因为人不是牛?它们通过咬牛的小腿来放牧,这可以因为它们的敏捷和速度。柯基对于它们的体型来说很灵活,但它们没有足够的速度或成为警犬所需的力量。它可以被降级为嗅探毒品的犬,但有更好的选择。这是一个宣传噱头。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Kat-mu8wq They were actually bred to herd cattle not sheep. 它们实际上是为了牧牛而培育的,而不是牧羊。 @davidfitzsimmons2451 You are correct in a lot of areas but incorrect with the overall sentiment I am detecting of there being no use for the breed. I do agree the most likely primary goal from the Chinese government perspective is publicity, however the idea has merit to me. 你在很多方面都是对的,但我发现你总体上认为这个品种没有用是错误的。我同意从中国政府的角度来看,最有可能的主要目标是宣传,但这个想法对我来说是有道理的。 @doctorpsylus You are definitely right this thing will primarily be a sniffer dog both for drugs and bombs, but the small size allows it to get under cars, and into other tight spaces the conventional sniffer can't get at. 你绝对是对的,这东西主要是用来嗅探毒品和炸弹的,但它小巧的体型可以让它钻到车底和其他传统嗅探犬无法进入的狭小空间。 @npcimknot958 The corgi breed is, from what little I know of small breeds, probably one of the best choices for a small space sniffer. MOST small breeds tend more towards lower 'intellect'(as measured officially) and are toy breeds instead of work breeds. And of the smaller worker breeds Corgis I recall have some of the best capability towards training for various tasks. 据我对小型犬种的有限了解,柯基可能是小空间嗅探犬的最佳选择之一。大多数小型犬种往往智力较低(官方测量),并且是玩具犬而不是工作犬。而在较小的工作犬种中,我记得柯基在训练各种任务方面能力最强。 @ABC1701A They are a very very intelligent breed (always exceptions but the majority are very intelligent), grew up living next door to one. Would also be ideal in situations involving children or vulnerable women - thinking locating lost children, or domestic violence cases as they appear to be very unthreatening (be warned, that can be very misleading). 它们是非常非常聪明的品种(总有例外,但大多数都非常聪明),我小时候就住在隔壁的一只狗旁边。也非常适合涉及儿童或弱势女性的情况——例如寻找失踪的儿童或家庭暴力案件,因为它们看起来非常无威胁(请注意,这可能非常具有误导性)。 @learning2live_brokeninchro157 I own a corgi puppy myself. He is just about a year old. I am training him to be my service dog. He has so much natural talent for the job. He is so smart. My last service dog was a Jack Russell that was with me for fifteen years. I truly didn’t think this corgi would ever live up to the job. However, he surprises me every day. He is able to sense the smallest of changes in my body, even faster than my last dog. He alxs so well and for multiple things. Letting me know even the slightest change in my body. Then after he makes sure I’m safe, he will actually find my Mother or my caregiver and alx them that I need help. At the end of the day more important than all that, he is so loving and gentle. Having him with me as my service dog; puts me at ease and makes me feel safe. He also is extremely protective, I can see how the breed could be amazing police dogs. They are also very brave. I don’t think he truly knows that he is a small dog. He is my little hero, he already has saved my life multiple times. 我自己养了一只柯基小狗。他大约一岁。我正在训练他成为我的服务犬。他对这份工作有很大的天赋。他非常聪明。我的上一只服务犬是一只陪伴我十五年的杰克罗素梗。我真的没想到这只柯基能胜任这份工作。然而,他每天都让我惊讶。他能够感知我身体的最小变化,甚至比我的上一只狗还快。他对多种情况的预警都非常好。即使是我身体的最微小变化,他也会让我知道。然后在确保我安全后,他会去找我的母亲或看护人员并提醒他们我需要帮助。最重要的是,他非常爱和温柔。拥有他作为我的服务犬,使我感到安心和安全。他也非常有保护性,我能看到这个品种如何成为惊人的警犬。他们也非常勇敢。我觉得他真的不知道自己是一只小狗。他是我的小英雄,他已经多次救了我的命。 @slaiyfershin While the other dogs have to walk he gets carried around like a king. 当其他狗不得不走路时,他像国王一样被抱着。 @realMoMoPuFF It must be hard for the officer who has to work with this dog. Experiencing this extreme cuteness every day while working must be bad for concentration lol 和这只狗一起工作的警官一定很辛苦。每天在工作中体验到这种极致的可爱一定会影响注意力,哈哈。 @mittrianafini3477 They probably had that concern and chose a cat person, but honestly he's too cuddly 他们可能有这种担忧,选择了一个喜欢猫的人,但老实说,他太适合拥抱了。 @sentryward8744 He has to stop his wife/lover from spoiling the dog. 他得阻止他的妻子/情人宠坏这只狗。 @bp879 Cute! It's small size will allow it to enter places where big dogs can't. 可爱!它的小体型可以进入大狗无法进入的地方。 @AnimeEmperor0 "This dog is famous, it just doesn't know it yet" “这只狗很有名,它还不知道而已” @maamhaven215 I wouldn't be so intimidated when he sniffs my luggage 当他嗅我的行李时,我不会感到害怕 @jonh537 People use to say women shouldn’t be on the police force because they aren’t as strong as men but here we are today. 人们过去常说女性不应该在警队,因为她们不如男性强壮,但看看今天我们在哪。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@capybarafilmstudios1620 and yet they aren't as effective 然而她们却没有那么有效。 @jonh537 policing isn’t always about strength. There are situations where women are better than men. 执法不总是关于力量。有些情况下女性比男性更好。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@capybarafilmstudios1620 maybe when they aren't trying to.. stop criminals. 也许当她们不试图..阻止犯罪时。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@omu5560 But that corgi dog might be a male 但那只柯基狗可能是雄性 @no-zy7bv Not really. Generally speaking women are a lot better at diffusing situations than men, so that alone can be a massive plus when dealing with dangerous people. According to some studies, women process information up to 5 times faster than men, which is obviously useful in police work where quick decisions often have to be made. Not to mention women are also just generally a lot more intuitive so might pick up on things men would miss. Also, even in regards to physical alterations, most police are well trained and armed. Strength doesn't matter a whole lot when technique and weapons are in the equation. 一般来说,女性在化解局势方面比男性要好得多,所以在处理危险人物时,这本身就可以是一个巨大的优势。 根据一些研究,女性处理信息的速度是男性的五倍,这显然在警务工作中非常有用,因为警务工作经常需要快速决策。更不用说女性通常更加直觉,所以可能会察觉到男性会忽略的事情。 此外,即使在身体对抗方面,大多数警察都经过良好的训练和武装。当涉及到技术和武器时,力量并不那么重要。 @tanez778 You realize that if that was the case most Nobel prizes would be women? Think about what your write really. 你意识到如果真是那样,大多数诺贝尔奖得主都会是女性吗? 好好想想你写的东西吧。 @no-zy7bv What on earth does processing information have to do with Nobel prizes? Thinking speed has nothing to do with intelligence, if that's what has you confused. Maybe you should "think about what you write". Edit: Don't believe what I'm saying? Look it up. I've tried to reply to multiple comments with sources but YouTube does not like lixs. Literally just read some studies about gender differences in cognition and neurocognitive functioning. Or better yet, research on how cognitive processing speed works and what it actually is, because clearly some of you don't even understand that. 处理信息和诺贝尔奖有什么关系? 思考速度与智力无关,如果那是让你困惑的地方。也许你应该“想想你写的东西”。 补充:不相信我说的?查一下。我试图回复多个评论并附上来源,但YouTube不喜欢链接。只要读一些关于性别认知差异和神经认知功能的研究就行了。 或者更好的是,研究一下认知处理速度是如何工作的以及它实际上是什么,因为显然你们有些人甚至不明白这一点。 @capybarafilmstudios1620 ah, of course, women process information 5 TIMES FASTER than men. that doesn't sit right with me. 当然,女性处理信息的速度是男性的五倍。这对我来说不太对劲。 @tanez778 It absolutely has correlation with it. Do you realize how a 5 times increase in your thinking speed would mean? Male students taking 1 hour to do their exams would be dwarfed by female students who would do them in almost 10 minutes. That's a wild take and you never thought of it when writing it. 这绝对有关系。 你知道思维速度增加五倍意味着什么吗? 男学生花一个小时做考试会被女学生在几乎10分钟内完成的情况所掩盖。 这是一个疯狂的观点,你在写的时候从来没有想过。 @Kat-mu8wq Corgi are working dogs. Of course with the right training he can be a police dog, whilst originally bred for herding cattle which are obviously much larger than the dog. This shows the corgi is brave, not easily intimidated by larger things and highly trainable. 柯基是工作犬。当然,通过正确的训练,它可以成为警犬,尽管它最初是为了牧牛而培育的,牛显然比它大得多。这表明柯基勇敢,不容易被更大的事物吓到,而且非常容易训练。 @quentinwong8906 No minimum height requirement for police dog recruitment 警犬招募没有最低身高要求 @Benjamin-Outdoors I once had a retired police Alsatian, Zeus. He was best ever, had to learn instructional French words as he was trained in France. Once at a cafeteria in Spain, Zeus wouldn't leave this guy alone. I looked and said: Sorry sir, but may I ask, you don't happen to smoke anything green do you? He responded: Are you under-cover police? I said: No. He said: Well I'm only carrying one which is legal anyway. I responded: No, that's the reason Zeus won't leave you alone that's all, he's ex po po. 我曾经有一只退役的警犬阿尔萨斯犬,宙斯。他是最棒的,因为在法国接受训练,他必须学习法语指令。有一次在西班牙的一家咖啡馆,宙斯不会让这个人离开。我看着他说:对不起,先生,但我可以问一下,你是否抽过什么绿色的东西? 他回答:你是卧底警察吗? 我说:不是。 他说:好吧,我只带了一点,这是合法的。 我回答:不,这就是宙斯不会让你离开的原因,他是前警犬。 @thor1829 cute! 可爱! @WalkOverHotCoal Did he share it with you? 他跟你分享了吗? @SuperIjulie The corgi uniform is Weifang Police, from my hometown. So proud. 这只柯基的制服是潍坊警察的,来自我的家乡。真自豪。 @jamesiewalters2360 Lucky you! 你真幸运! @johnneymc We Found Love 潍坊的爱! @anniekinsmishkamouse7575 Small but mighty. Fuzai would be an asset as a detection agent as he does not come off aggressive. Australia has some smaller hound breeds working in the customs area. 小而强大。 福仔作为检测员会是一项资产,因为他看起来并不具有攻击性。 澳大利亚有一些较小的猎犬品种在海关工作。 @Alacaelum Corgis are a smart breed, very useful when you want to be discreet. I can totally see why they would decide to try a smaller breed for some things that the big ones aren't the most appropriate... starting with that sweet social media clamour XD. 柯基是一个聪明的品种,当你想要低调时非常有用。 我完全能理解他们为什么决定尝试一个较小的品种来做一些大狗不太合适的事情...从那个甜美的社交媒体声援开始,哈哈。 @tiararoxeanne1318 "...very useful if you want to be discreet." HMM, is that why the late Queen Elizabeth II had so many of them? I can imagine the corgis snooping around in the palace and come back to her with the latest gossip “...如果你想要低调,非常有用。” 嗯,这就是已故的伊丽莎白二世女王有那么多柯基的原因吗?我可以想象柯基们在宫殿里四处窥探,然后带着最新的八卦回到她身边。 @carriebradley7634 Why not? He is small and can go into many places the other canines can't! He can also serve as an ambassador of sorts! I think it's great! 为什么不呢?他很小,可以进入其他犬类无法进入的许多地方!他还可以作为某种大使!我觉得这很棒! @TheBattleMaster100 Criminals won't even mind getting pulled over by this little one. Way too cute while you're being arrested. 罪犯甚至不会介意被这个小家伙拦下。被逮捕时太可爱了。 @zhixinli7826 I also had doubts at the start of the video. With a dog his size, what will he be able to do? He can indeed sniff out things that would be in smaller spaces. He's 6 months old, but he won't grow much. AMAZING, PROFESSIONAL, CUTE, AND BADASS. 我在视频开始时也有疑虑。以他的体型,他能做什么呢?他确实能嗅出一些在更小空间里的东西。他6个月大,但不会长太多。惊人、专业、可爱和厉害。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@sooah3680 How cute! 多可爱!原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@betsibest 萌萌哒 萌萌哒 @slowvintagedays5963 Him being carried while the other dogs are marching! 当其他狗在行进时,他被抱着! @nivmhn This is too cute!! 这太可爱了!! @WhatDoesTheBibleSayAboutThis That's such a heartwarming video! Fu Zai is not only adorable but also proves that size and breed don't limit one's ability to contribute positively to society. It's inspiring to see barriers being broken and stereotypes challenged in such a cute and impactful way! 这是一个如此温馨的视频!福仔不仅可爱,还证明了体型和品种并不限制一个人对社会积极贡献的能力。看到障碍被打破和刻板印象被以如此可爱和有影响力的方式挑战真是令人鼓舞! @MelissaSnowden-eh7ug Go, Fuzai! He may not be a “full-sized” officer, but he doesn’t know that. 14/10. (And watching his partner carry him papoose-style was not only highly practical, but stinkin’ adorable.) 加油,福仔!他可能不是“全尺寸”的警官,但他不知道这一点。14/10。(看着他的搭档像婴儿背带一样抱着他,不仅非常实用,而且非常可爱。) @mstsp9546 So freaking cute...and serious too! 太可爱了……而且也很严肃! @lisagonzalez8957 There was recently a story online about an officer who had a Shepherd that he’d raised, and used for the force, and then he took another job. The dog was supposed to have something like 2 more potential years of service, but the guy's Chief would not let the dog be adopted by the officer. Even though the dog had been with the officer his entire life. Not all departments do that- it’s up to the Chief. 最近网上有一个故事讲述了一名警官养了一只牧羊犬,并将其用于警队,然后他换了工作。这只狗本来还有大约两年的服役潜力,但那位警官的主管不允许这只狗被警官收养。尽管这只狗和这名警官一生在一起。并非所有部门都这样做,这取决于主管。 @ueeee5483 Fu Tsai is so cute. He knows his place. He acts professional. 福仔好可爱,知道自己的身份,表现专业。 @Alex-bm9nb The doggo belonged to a woman. She was walking him one day when a K9 officer not on duty passed by and noticed the dog having exceptional drive and ability to follow orders at a very young age, better than some of the way older trained K9 dogs. He asked if he could buy the dog but the woman donated the dog when he told her it will become a K9 officer. Sometimes talents are just waiting to be discovered! 这只狗属于一个女人。一天她在遛狗时,一名非值班的K9警官经过,注意到这只狗在很小的时候就有出色的驱动力和服从命令的能力,比一些训练有素的K9狗还要好。他问他是否可以购买这只狗,但当他告诉她这只狗将成为K9警官时,女人捐赠了这只狗。有时,天赋只是等待被发现!原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@GHOOGLEMALE We had a Corgi when I was a kid - Such an intelligent, knowing little dog - I'm not surprised in the slightest he has performed so well. Loved the section where he was in a backpack, he looked so happy! 我小时候养过一只柯基——如此聪明,懂事的小狗——他表现得如此出色,我一点也不惊讶。喜欢他被装在背包里的部分,他看起来好开心! @beccanakhayo8131 Go Fuzai 加油,福仔 @kusada3035 The Queen's corgis are finally being put into service 女王的柯基终于开始服役了 @de341f6 Corgis were originally farm herding dogs! They're full of energy too. I'm sure he's so happy to be working 柯基最初是农场牧羊犬!它们也充满活力。我确信他很高兴工作 @chansiufong7239 Foo, that's so cute 福仔,太可爱啦 @yashny The cutest police dog I have ever seen 我见过的最可爱的警犬 @wjmwdead How can anyone say NO to that face 怎么会有人对那张脸说不呢 @phxx5618 No broken tail. That's good. Happy little dog officer 没有断尾,太好了,快乐的小狗警官 @networktrailers Robber: Running fast.. Also Police Dog chasing with small legs: Robber stop for while: "Aww, what this little guy doing?".(pickup the dog and pet him) Police: Saw the suspect! Also Robber: Start running with lifting corgi. Police: 抢劫犯:跑得很快…… 警犬用小腿追赶: 抢劫犯停下来:“哇,这个小家伙在干什么?”。(抱起狗并抚摸他) 警察:看到了嫌犯! 抢劫犯:抱着柯基开始跑。 警察: @veekay3158 Sarge! This car is smuggling treats! — Officer Corgi 中士!这辆车在走私零食!——柯基警官原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@unknown_8588 Awwwww bb just made his debut? 哇哇,宝贝刚刚出道了吗? @justincraig398 When do they eat it? 他们什么时候吃它?原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@WaiChingChan-yr5oc So cute, after he retired, the owner wants to take him home to raise, he serves the public, really 太可爱了,他退休后,主人想把他带回家养,他真的为公众服务。 @samblackcrow Oh, he's just gorgeous! 哦,他真是漂亮! @user-cj7eo1cg3n Fuzai 福仔 @wenyihom5479 Come on, Corky 小柯基加油 @karcheng6996 He is so cute 他好可爱 @chuuu4610 Corgis were originally working dogs and they’re fairly smart. It’s not totally random. 柯基最初是工作犬,它们相当聪明。这并不是完全随机的。 @CassCat69 fuzai the fuzz 福仔,毛茸茸的 @miolengsiu6084 Fuzai chayau 福仔,加油 @davidlamb7524 Anyone notice the training sniffing drugs was with suitcases plastered with the British unx Jack flag 有人注意到训练嗅探毒品的行李箱贴满了英国国旗吗? @Imsorandom-yp3dq I love the fact that he actually has a tail, since most corgis' tails get cut off from birth 我喜欢他实际上有尾巴这一事实,因为大多数柯基的尾巴从出生起就被剪掉了 @user-ig7gc8vl9k Never seen such a lovely police dog, play their own characteristics and advantages, all police dogs should have the ability to have, and small and exquisite, can do others can not do, really great, come on corgi, love you! 从来没有见过这么可爱的警犬,发挥自己的特色优点,所有警犬应该具备的才能都有,而且小巧玲珑,可以做到别人做不到的,真的太棒了,加油柯基犬,爱你哦! @L110508 America is working with allies to restrict Corgi export due to national security. 美国正在与盟友合作以国家安全为由限制柯基出口。 @joarquejohnpaul8912 In corgi we trust. 我们信任柯基。 @alpineboy3288 너무 귀엽잖아.. 太可爱了.. @ravenc4912 So cute 太可爱了 @megamagamanga5968 He is a lucky boy. So cute. 他是个幸运的男孩。太可爱了。 @ahmedshaharyarejaz9886 He will defeat the criminals with Cuteness. 他会用可爱击败罪犯。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@memestogo7318 imagine hearing "tactical corgi inbound" 想象一下听到“战术柯基来了” @user-zh5ll5ew5i Fuzai also has the advantage that he can check under the car! Other dogs can't do that. 福仔还有一个优势,他可以检查车底!其他狗做不到。 @QNN123 cute. 可爱。 @veganforlife1203 Lovely. 可爱极了。 @lynneessig5789 U made my day! 你让我开心了一天!原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@tinatam6205 Short-legged, fat-ass Gogies are cute, they work. 短腿肥屁股柯基犬很可爱,还会工作。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@user-ho9qy9bc7c Bro hasn’t even been officially sworn in as a police officer and folks are already fighting over who’ll adopt him in retirement Aside from that, I’m just glad his tail hasn’t been docked. 哥们还没正式宣誓成为警察,人们已经在争论谁会在他退休后收养他了。除此之外,我很高兴他的尾巴没有被剪掉。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@bondjovi4595 That police dog is stylish. Lol 那只警犬很时髦。哈哈 @keroro407 Corgi: I may look cute, but you're under arrest. 柯基:我可能看起来很可爱,但你被逮捕了。 @Alot_here_and_there Look at those tiny leggos 看看那些小腿 @faithdasent2025 Cuteeee. 好可爱。 @user-nb3lz1jb6s So cute Corgi. 好可爱的柯基。 @GO0SE237 “It says that you’re charged with petting a police dog very aggressively” “上面说你被指控非常猛烈地抚摸警犬”原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Katiekate89 Super cute 超级可爱 @t.j.2275 awwwwwwwwwwww 啊啊啊啊啊 @MoonDog991 I can just imagine him chasing down a suspect. 我能想象他追捕嫌疑犯的样子。 @30_rifdahhanifaha89 PAW PATROL 汪汪队 @Starlight2117 So cute!!!!! 太可爱了!!! @Onglie For mascot 作为吉祥物 @dandelion6376 Smol leggggggggss 小小的腿 @guccizhan don’t mind him, sir corgi had to start paying the rent 别介意他,柯基先生得开始交房租了。 @user-bc1yy3ye6n Clever and smart dog 聪明的狗 @robml2587 So cute !! 太可爱了!! @Ben-xf7uy I dated this girl with a little corgi in college. She left him over night one time and when i got up to go to work in the morning, he was on my back porch!!! That dog escaped his kennel and walked over 3 miles and went right to my door. It still blows my mind to think about haha 我大学时和一个养小柯基的女孩约会。她有一次把柯基留了一夜,早上我起来去上班时,他就在我的后廊上!!!那只狗逃出了他的狗舍,走了3英里,直接来到我的门前。想想这件事还让我感到震惊,哈哈。 @hamano9394 Reminds me of that one shortfilm. 让我想起那部短片。 @TF-2q1 Is this real? cuteness overload 这是真的吗?可爱过载。 @zelgie3013 I feel like whoever came up with this idea was because he just wanted a corgi as a pet lol 我觉得提出这个主意的人只是因为他想要一只柯基作为宠物,哈哈。 @yadiwilliams8605 So cute ,lovely corgi 太可爱了,可爱的柯基。 @sycen why i keep clicking this video? 为什么我一直点这个视频? @jly5828 Cute Police Dog 可爱的警犬 @snagireddy3283 Officer: hey little buddy, where's your handler? Corgi: I am the handler 警官:嘿,小伙伴,你的训导员在哪里? 柯基:我就是训导员 @JasmineaJoseph OBSESSED! We don’t deserve dogs and look at that smile. 痴迷了!我们不配拥有狗,看看那笑容。 @user-vr8ql Anak yang baik 好孩子原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@GrimlyYours Puppy backpack!! 小狗背包!! @GaminGiga This is so cute 这太可爱了 @aboxinspace YOU GO SHORT KING 加油,小短腿王 @feel_goodpaintingsandlifea715 He is too lovely. 他太可爱了。 @MooniFrog I need a pixar movie about this 我需要一部关于这个的皮克斯电影 @daduschfrankel4844 Der kleiner Hund ist einfach bezaubernd. Es macht nix dass seine Beinen sind etwas kürzer als normal, er ist sehr klug, schnell, sehr beweglich, ist gut trainiert und ich bin sicher er hat auch andere besondere Eigenschaften. Wirklich ist absolut fantastisch 这只小狗真是迷人。虽然他的腿比正常的稍短,但他很聪明,很快,很灵活,训练有素,我相信他还有其他特别的品质。真的太棒了。 @stan6477 captain Teemo "size doesnt mean everything" 提莫队长:“体型不是一切” @okakaaa96 Now he's a role model for other corgis who aspire to become police dogs 现在他是其他想成为警犬的柯基的榜样。 @antonimalachowski5262 the eyeglasses are there to protect you from its laser eyes 眼镜是为了保护你免受他的激光眼攻击。 @bluejay2867 Imagine having to be chased by this dog, lol. 想象一下被这只狗追赶,哈哈。 @MarkJablonski-ls3dy So precious 太珍贵了 @morchang624 He kept his tail. 他保留了他的尾巴。 @tonywang7431 that smile, so cute 那笑容,太可爱了 @fishyboy-gu3in Very fearsome corgi 非常吓人的柯基 @uziaoki3532 i needed to see this today 我今天需要看看这个。 @rudiatinsd7420 Corginya pintar 聪明的柯基 @mkader2494 This dog is being trained as a hostage negotiator. 这只狗正在被训练成一名人质谈判专家。 @Yinoh99373 Cheddar is that you? 切达,是你吗? @sunnygolightly9996 He's like a cartoon protagonist 他就像一个卡通主角 @YIRAN-vb7jo The cute look of Corgi makes people forgot that they are working dogs for centuries helping farmers to herd the livestock. 柯基的可爱外表让人们忘记了它们是数世纪以来帮助农民牧羊的工作犬。 @onelovefory “He trains with other long-legged coworker in the field” “他和其他长腿同事一起在田野训练”。 @kaminaritsk could be a great basis for animated movie 可能是动画电影的好基础。 @mstyles2667 Cuteness OVERLOAD 可爱过载。 @lisamomon6793 he will be a great sniffy dog getting into small spaces but how can he get his job done if all hes fans race to photogragh him 他会成为一只很棒的嗅探犬,可以进入小空间,但如果所有粉丝都抢着给他拍照,他怎么能完成工作呢? @superdoo9874 they didnt eat it? 他们没有吃掉它? @jodofe4879 I wouldn't mind being arrested if I get to pet the dog 如果能摸这只狗,我不介意被逮捕 @DesireeGonza So awesome. Congratulations 太棒了。恭喜 @tiiaamii He's like Cheddar the dog 他像狗狗切达 @brandonramos8121 imagine being a drug smuggler and this is the dog that busts you 想象一下你是毒品走私犯,而这是抓你的狗 @rebeccariff why’s no one in the comments mentioning brooklyn 为什么没人提到《布鲁克林》原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@kunalsinghal8273 Breaking stereotypes in dogs 打破狗的刻板印象 @zxcvbnm35125 Apparently China is a Dreamworks movie now 显然,中国现在是一部梦工厂电影 @robinsonjiengimchoo love it, love it, love it 爱它,爱它,爱它 @ljrgi47 Is that their new hostage negotiator? 那是他们的新人质谈判专家吗? @ronin7997 Very admirable Fuzai, but we all know that Cheddar was the first Corgi police dog. 非常令人钦佩的福仔,但我们都知道切达是第一只柯基警犬。 @theycallmekdawg He's got a bone to pick with criminals 他要和罪犯较量 @boboboz9541 "arent you a little short to be a police dog?" “你不是有点矮,不适合做警犬吗?” @ninjaninja-jz3km Officer dog may be small but still can do the job. so tiny but must be kept safe from real danger for real. 警犬可能很小,但仍然可以完成工作。 如此小巧,但必须确保它远离真正的危险。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@jodofe4879 I wouldn't mind being arrested if I get to pet the dog 如果能摸这只狗,我不介意被逮捕 @gost7213 Lovely, smart dog 可爱,聪明的狗 @DesireeGonza So awesome. Congratulations 太棒了。恭喜 @tiiaamii He's like Cheddar the dog 他像狗狗切达 @elpatriquo I dont think anybodys gonna be afraid of a corgi 我不认为有人会害怕柯基原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@rohesia73 Is he going to scare the bad guys with cuteness?? 他会用可爱吓坏坏人吗? @mistimukherjee7607 What a cute intelligent obedient doggo 多么可爱聪明听话的狗狗原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@genericname9024 I hope his trainer/partner is the one who adopts Fuzai when he retires! They clearly have a very strong bond 我希望他的训练员/搭档是福仔退休后收养他的人!他们显然有很强的纽带。 @jeffdur1330 Lol imagine it chasing you 哈哈,想象一下它在追你 @DesertNightCamouflage1982 So fing cute 太可爱了 @fanofmansbestfriend Wait until the German Shepherds start protesting against Corgis taking over their jobs . He's so adorable! 等到德国牧羊犬开始抗议柯基抢走他们的工作。 他太可爱了! @robinbyrd4430 Awesomeness 太棒了 @avadong2548 Yeah be distracted hoomans!! 是的,被分散注意力吧,人类!! @BBBrasil Brilliant PR, Corgis are adorable 绝佳的公关,柯基太可爱了 @dreamsteddybearsmaster Very cute. But can't help thinking he'd serve as a comfort animal instead of a serious, crime fighting & criminal hunting/investigative canine body! Kinda looks like a member of The English Royal Family is serving as an honorary member of a foreign police force 非常可爱。但忍不住觉得他会作为安慰动物,而不是一个严肃的,打击犯罪和追捕罪犯/调查的犬类! 看起来像是英国皇室成员在外国警队担任名誉成员




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